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Since the launch of Zcash on Oct 28, 2016, users have been clamoring for a release for Windows. It has finally arrived! zcash4win bundles together a native Windows build of the latest release of zcash (1.0.6 as of mid February, 2017), the Java-based SwingUI Wallet, the required Java Runtime, downloads the zkSNARK proving keys needed for private transactions via Amazon CloudFront, and verifies their integrity on every launch, all without the user needing to touch the command-line. For support please see this forum thread.

zcash4win is a volunteer effort. To support ongoing development of new features, maintenance, and technical support, please consider donating today! Donation addresses for Zcash, Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and via PayPal, are on the MercerWeiss Consulting Website.


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